You have come to the right place when you finally made the right decision to get a Brazilian Wax in London, well done! You are going to love your results. Let’s quickly go over the Brazilian Wax basics, to get you ready for your transformation.
We advise the following steps to ensure your smooth transition:
A. Make sure your hair is long enough. What we mean is – If you can pull your hair with your fingertips, it should be long enough. If you are still unsure, the accurate length is at least 0.5 to a 1 cm long.
B. Water and moisturizer. We recommend you are well hydrated (drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water the day before your appointment). The more hydrated you are the less discomfort you will feel. We also suggest you moisturize the area prior to treatment, this softens the hair follicles. Being hydrated and moisturized will aid a gentle treatment process.
C. Relax and relax! Caffeine or anything that can cause your blood to rush should be avoided. Along with taking to much aspirin or a high dose of pain killers, as these can thin the blood causing bleeding from the hair follicles. The Brazilian Hot Wax Co. offers an almost ‘pain-free’ waxing experience, this is due our handmade wax recipe that has healing ingredients in itself, plus the amazing experienced therapists we have – who are on top of the game! But if you are still unsure, you can take a couple of anti-inflammatory type pain killers or Ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your Brazilian Wax appointment in London.
The Brazilian wax may sound scary but following these steps should bring you at ease.
Finally, if you have any questions prior to your treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us here!